
Season 1: Episode 54 - Retired Incident Commander of Valley Fire, Linda Green tells her story of PTSD

Linda worked on the frontlines and as an Incident Commander, where she put 30 years of her life on the line. Her podcast and book tell the story of her life, her struggles and what it’s like to live before, during and after as a California fire-fighter. She lives with PTSD and struggles with the stigma of mental health in the department, amongst friends and tells us her story.


You can find her at where she offers support and encouragement to others, after a career in fire-fighting or other service where PTSD could be present.

First responders struggles are real and her book outlines her 30 year career and offers hope, based on her real life experience. Find her book

“I was blindsided. That’s probably the best way to describe how it felt, as a perfect storm of forces was brewing, never before experienced by any of us, and descended it’s wrath that day…and changed everything.” - Linda Green

Linda Green was the Incident Commander on the devastating Valley Fire, which destroyed almost 2000 structures as it burned across 76,000 acres in the CAL FIRE Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit, and the heartbreak of lives lost. But in the months that followed this life-altering traumatic event she refers to as “her fire”, she knew something was very wrong, even though life seemed to be marching on as always...until it wasn’tThe nuances were there immediately but were masterfully disguised by her well-worn habits of performance and responsibility. She didn’t yet realize her free fall had begun into her own personal “hellfire”. Linda was diagnosed with a Post-Traumatic Stress Injury just months before her retirement in 2016.

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Season 1 - Episode 47 - Anne Moss Rogers, TEDx Speaker, Author, Suicide Loss Survivor - "Emotionally Naked"

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Anne Moss Rogers graciously accepted our podcast invitation. She’s real and raw. You can find more about her journey with her son’s drug addiction through the podcast.

She’s an advocate and travels speaking to raise awareness of suicide and prevent other parents and family members from losing a child. She also speaks directly to children and youth. Read more, after listening by clicking on the links below:


My 6-minute TEDx

Season 1 - Episode 45 - Starr shares her poetic prose with us to express herself on her road to recovery and spiritual awakening. (Last poem recorded in person in the park.)

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Starr, an amazing soul shares her spiritual awakening through her writing. Her poems are powerful, healing and speak the truth. Listen and comment should they move you like that have done us and many others.

Shes transformed herself through the art of words. Those we think with, speak of and converse through; words are powerful!

The picture is one of her favorite poems by Hafiz and one she gave for me to share with my students.

“I wish I could show you WHEN YOU ARE LONELY or in DARKNESS the ASTONISHING LIGHT of your own being” ~ Hafiz

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* Art Piece

* Being Seen

* I Am My Own Medicine

* I Want To Be The One You Write Poems About

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Season 1 - Episode 42 - Hiya (Hee-yaa) shares her story of clinical depression and anxiety and how she looks for the happiness when life isn't always kind.

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Hiya is an author of poetry who lives with clinical depression and anxiety which started in 2014. She is native to India and due to family conflict went into a deep depression. She learned to rise above and find her truth. She breathes, writes and looks on the bright side to cope and find hope.

Her message is to meditate and breathe to cope with anxiety and other things life throws at you.

You can find her on Instagram @Hiyaoxfordgirl


Search: "Hiya says"on her website: to find her work.

Podcast link

Season 1 - Episode 41 - Michael Maisey shares his life's journey, why he wrote his book, " Young Offender," after a young life in the streets and out of control


Michael was lost, in the streets and out of control, due to his parents drug and alcohol abuse, as well as childhood physical and sexual abuse. But, he turned his life around and now Michael Maisey is an actor and writer, known for Sparrow's CallThe Basement and Functional. He has been married to Sacha Wright since October 26, 2018. They have two children.

He tells more of his story in his book: “My Life on the Streets, In Prison, Out of Control, Making Amends. Young Offender.” Pre order link for book on out in July 2019.
Pre order link for the book on for buyers in the USA out October 2019.



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You don’t want to miss this episode. He’s a powerful warrior and proof that anyone can turn their life around. We’ve all been through hard times, but he faced his hopelessness, near the edge of suicide, in it’s clenches and came out the other side. He’s been a ray of sunshine through his Instagram community and other engagements. I can’t wait to get and read his book. I look forward to working with Michael in the near future.

Season 1 - Episode 40 - Michelle, author . of, “Breaking into My Life,” a story about reclaiming her life and being raised by a mom with Bipolar Disorder


Michelle is from New Jersey and shares her story about being raised by a mother who had Bipolar Disorder. She works for Johnson & Johnson as a Director and is also an advocate for mental health awareness. You can read an excerpt from her book here:

Please visit her page for FAQs as well, she shares resources with you.

YouTube Video


Podcast link

She conveys a message about mental health:

  • We are not our past. It is possible to triumph over past challenges with perseverance.

  • Let’s separate the person from their illness. They are not their illness. They are loving individuals doing the bet they can with what they have been dealt.

  • Caregivers must establish some boundaries and make their own wellbeing a priority so that they can provide the best level of support to those they love.

  • The brain is just another organ. I look to the day when we talk as openly about brain health as we do heart health. When that happens people won’t be ashamed or suffer in silence.

  • If you are suffering and don’t feel comfortable talking to your loved ones or a therapist, find other outlets to keep talking. Find resources like or to express yourself and get connected to others who might have experienced what you are. You are not alone and you don’t have to navigate it alone. You are human and it is ok to not be ok.

  • If you care for someone who you think is struggling, don’t look away and don’t “hope” they will get through it on their own. Try to create a safe space for them to share. Just by listening and asking them to tell you more, you will help them by allowing them to feel heard. You don’t have to fix anything. Just be there for them and listen to them.  

Please let us know what you think, comments are welcome on our blog

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Anissa discusses her depression and bullying, and how she overcame obstacles towards being a successful author, blogger and producer

Author & producer Anissa discusses her struggles in life and how she's overcome them, guided through internal lessons and growth.

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Alice shares her story about childhood abuse, substance abuse, the foster care system and Borderline Personality Disorder and Advocacy.


Alice Pirola discusses the experience of abuse during her childhood and how her life was thrown for a loop for making what she thought was the right decision. The outcome of all of this would lead to a Borderline Personality Disorder. She suffers anxiety, depression, OCD and PTSD as well and has not only become an advocate for mental illness, she's a speaker for NAMI. She's also publishing a book this year, "Searching For Grey," which can be used by clinician's, family members of sufferers of mental illness.

She is a speaker during her NAMI meetings and also participates on the website "The Mighty," which is a website forum for the advocacy of mental health sufferers.

~A New Dawn

Podcast Link

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Florencia shares her story of bipolar disorder, advocacy and her book Mulatto Daughter in America


Story of the struggles of one young girl, growing up abused in America, later to be diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. She discusses her advocacy for others, as well as her brother who took his life. Listen in and comment on iTunes.

She has been a victim of abuse, discrimination and also faced with abuse from a previous tenant where she lived.

Despite these limitations and constant attacks, she rises above, records videos and writes her stories.

Her book:

Author Interview:

Twitter: Facebook:

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