
Season 1 - Episode 41 - Michael Maisey shares his life's journey, why he wrote his book, " Young Offender," after a young life in the streets and out of control


Michael was lost, in the streets and out of control, due to his parents drug and alcohol abuse, as well as childhood physical and sexual abuse. But, he turned his life around and now Michael Maisey is an actor and writer, known for Sparrow's CallThe Basement and Functional. He has been married to Sacha Wright since October 26, 2018. They have two children.

He tells more of his story in his book: “My Life on the Streets, In Prison, Out of Control, Making Amends. Young Offender.” Pre order link for book on out in July 2019.
Pre order link for the book on for buyers in the USA out October 2019.



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You don’t want to miss this episode. He’s a powerful warrior and proof that anyone can turn their life around. We’ve all been through hard times, but he faced his hopelessness, near the edge of suicide, in it’s clenches and came out the other side. He’s been a ray of sunshine through his Instagram community and other engagements. I can’t wait to get and read his book. I look forward to working with Michael in the near future.

Season 1 - Episode 33 - Kevan shares his advocacy for "HisMENtalHEalth" after a childhood of depression, bullying and angry outbursts.

Kevan is a mental health advocate and he talks about his difficult child-hood life in his home and school life. A speech impediment led to bullying in school and he shares why he didn’t enjoy his senior year of high school, due to his struggles with depression from the bullying.

Season 1 - Episode 32 - Toby shares his advocacy for men's mental health and why it began

Toby Brown discusses his art and how he see’s blank dead eyes, until he talks to people. Once they open up, he see’s colors as they fill in around the individual. He is an artists and lives with Schizophrenia Disorder. His art has been on display in England and he’s done shows. He will be featured on a special segment of 20/20 in the near future.

Season 1 - Episode 31 - John discusses his Major Depressive Disorder, GAD and advocacy through his blog "SickNotWeak" and takes on the "Whatever it Takes," mentality.

John’s Major Depressive Disorder, GAD and advocacy through his blog has fuled his "SickNotWeak" and "Whatever it Takes," mentality. Check out his blogs and find him on Twitter.

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Josh shares his story of growing up with bipolar disorder, his school-life and struggles.

My son shares his struggle with bipolar growing up, his take on schools and therapists. He has several coping strategies, due to the school he spent most of his school years in and discusses his perspective.

Season 1 - Episode 21 - Grace shares her story of bipolar disorder, chronic pain and substance abuse, as well as advocacy.


Grace, as unfilteredmental health, shares her life experience with bipolar, chronic pain and substance abuse. She delves into her struggles and how she coped and got out of it. She's continually struggling and it's a constant battle, but one where she also advocates and helps others through her social media platform.

Grace shares her experience, in the moment on Instagram and you can follow her at where she blogs about her journey.

She's amazing and also just went through weight-loss surgery, so she also advocates for that aspect of social shame.

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~ A New Dawn

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Alice shares her story about childhood abuse, substance abuse, the foster care system and Borderline Personality Disorder and Advocacy.


Alice Pirola discusses the experience of abuse during her childhood and how her life was thrown for a loop for making what she thought was the right decision. The outcome of all of this would lead to a Borderline Personality Disorder. She suffers anxiety, depression, OCD and PTSD as well and has not only become an advocate for mental illness, she's a speaker for NAMI. She's also publishing a book this year, "Searching For Grey," which can be used by clinician's, family members of sufferers of mental illness.

She is a speaker during her NAMI meetings and also participates on the website "The Mighty," which is a website forum for the advocacy of mental health sufferers.

~A New Dawn

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Season 1 - Episode 12 - Suzette Brenner - Advocate, depression, anxiety and drug addiction - 11/16/18


Suzette, my dearest sister comes on our show to share her story of struggling with and supporting her son, my nephew, with anxiety, depression and drug addiction. Her story is extremely powerful and her emotions are true and genuine.

Drug addiction often stems from self medicating when suffering from depression, anxiety or other ailments. Her story is real, the struggle long and difficult, but not impossible. I’m a witness to the hard work, long nights and endless tears on this journey.

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Season 1 - Episode 11 - Dominic Mitges - Suicide Grief Counselor - 11/2/18


 Dominic is our current guest on episode 11. He shares his story of being a suicide grief counselor and what led him to write self help books on the topic. Check out his story and visit his page to learn more about him.

   Book Dominic for speaking gigs, just visit his page:

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