
Season 1 - Episode 19 - Florencia shares her story of bipolar disorder, advocacy and her book Mulatto Daughter in America


Story of the struggles of one young girl, growing up abused in America, later to be diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. She discusses her advocacy for others, as well as her brother who took his life. Listen in and comment on iTunes.

She has been a victim of abuse, discrimination and also faced with abuse from a previous tenant where she lived.

Despite these limitations and constant attacks, she rises above, records videos and writes her stories.

Her book: https://www.amazon.ca/MULATTO-DAUGHTER-AMERICA-Florencia-LaChance-ebook/dp/B07F3M799B

Author Interview: https://authorsinterviews.wordpress.com/2018/07/21/here-is-my-interview-with-florencia-lachance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/insightfulgirrl?lang=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/florenciab.lachanceauthor

Podcast link

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Robbie Spencer - Nami speaker - 10/25/18


Robbie shares his experience and thought on humanizing mental illness. He shares his story and experience speaking on the issue of mental illness to help humanize it world-wide. He himself was near taking his own life and after the news of his friends taking their lives, he devoted his cause to help raise awareness and to end the discrimination mental illness sufferers face.

Robbie is a speaker for NAMI.

Podcast link

Season 1 - Episode 5 - "Don't Stay Stuck," popular podcast - 9/28/18


#Dontstaystuck is the theme of this podcast. Speaking to a mother with bipolar disorder, we hear first-hand what it's like suffering from this illness. #bipolardisorder is a mental health condition that faces people worldwide and 450 million people have some type of anxiety in the world. We #dialogue on our podcast towards the end goal of raising awareness of mental health, ending the stigma, discrimination and neglect in the world.

This is the most popular podcast of our current 11 released podcasts. Something about being real and raw that resonates with the public.

Podcast link