Season 1 - Episode 40 - Michelle, author . of, “Breaking into My Life,” a story about reclaiming her life and being raised by a mom with Bipolar Disorder


Michelle is from New Jersey and shares her story about being raised by a mother who had Bipolar Disorder. She works for Johnson & Johnson as a Director and is also an advocate for mental health awareness. You can read an excerpt from her book here: http://breakingintomylife.com/excerpt/

Please visit her page for FAQs as well, she shares resources with you.

YouTube Video


Podcast link

She conveys a message about mental health:

  • We are not our past. It is possible to triumph over past challenges with perseverance.

  • Let’s separate the person from their illness. They are not their illness. They are loving individuals doing the bet they can with what they have been dealt.

  • Caregivers must establish some boundaries and make their own wellbeing a priority so that they can provide the best level of support to those they love.

  • The brain is just another organ. I look to the day when we talk as openly about brain health as we do heart health. When that happens people won’t be ashamed or suffer in silence.

  • If you are suffering and don’t feel comfortable talking to your loved ones or a therapist, find other outlets to keep talking. Find resources like www.18percent.org or https://www.7cups.com/ to express yourself and get connected to others who might have experienced what you are. You are not alone and you don’t have to navigate it alone. You are human and it is ok to not be ok.

  • If you care for someone who you think is struggling, don’t look away and don’t “hope” they will get through it on their own. Try to create a safe space for them to share. Just by listening and asking them to tell you more, you will help them by allowing them to feel heard. You don’t have to fix anything. Just be there for them and listen to them.  

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