
Season 1 - Episode 32 - Toby shares his advocacy for men's mental health and why it began

Toby Brown discusses his art and how he see’s blank dead eyes, until he talks to people. Once they open up, he see’s colors as they fill in around the individual. He is an artists and lives with Schizophrenia Disorder. His art has been on display in England and he’s done shows. He will be featured on a special segment of 20/20 in the near future.

Season 1 - Episode 10a - Nilza Elita - Author - 11/01/18


Author Nilza Elita supports advocacy of mental health and raising awareness. She wrote about a character that suffers from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, in an effort to help normalize the two illnesses. Her book is also released this week. Go find her on Instagram and check out her book, “Dare to Imagine.”

She researched about both mental illnesses prior to and during her writing. She wanted the characteristics of her characters to be real.

Podcast link

Season 1 - Episode 2 - SJ de Lagarde - 9/21/18


Sarah shares her experience with learning that her childhood friends suffered from Schizophrenia post horrific crime. She shared the pain and confusion she suffered of not really knowing he had this illness until he murdered someone. She couldn’t figure out why she didn’t know and why he never spoke of it with her.

You’ll learn that through the podcast, it’s possible that she was the only voice not labeling him with his disease. She treated him as a friend and didn’t judge him.

Fascinating this true story is turned into a book, Solacium. Pick it up and listen to her share her story.

Podcast link