raising awareness

Season 1 - Episode 51 -Hayley T. Wheeler shares her journey of healing through her struggle to self discovery with her self & support of her son.

Hayley Wheeler - emotional empowerment coach
I work with adults and children to help them conquer their anxiety and depression. I coach people who are ready to challenge and conquer anxiety, depression or stress, to accept their super power and take back control of their life and business.
In 2015, I ended up in my pit of despair – depression. I didn’t realise at the time, looking back it was bleak time. Having got the right help and support myself and through my own understanding of anxiety and depression, I created my own coaching model which helps adults and children with their mental health struggles.

Season 1 - Episode 10a - Nilza Elita - Author - 11/01/18


Author Nilza Elita supports advocacy of mental health and raising awareness. She wrote about a character that suffers from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, in an effort to help normalize the two illnesses. Her book is also released this week. Go find her on Instagram and check out her book, “Dare to Imagine.”

She researched about both mental illnesses prior to and during her writing. She wanted the characteristics of her characters to be real.

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Season 1 - Episode 1 - The “Why” of Our Show - 9/15/18

Dawnette Brenner shares her story as to why she began this podcast. You can read more about her on the blog page.