Season 1 - Episode 33 - Kevan shares his advocacy for "HisMENtalHEalth" after a childhood of depression, bullying and angry outbursts.

Kevan is a mental health advocate and he talks about his difficult child-hood life in his home and school life. A speech impediment led to bullying in school and he shares why he didn’t enjoy his senior year of high school, due to his struggles with depression from the bullying.


Leadership counsel through his high school afforded him the opportunity to partake in a summer camp. Three years returning to camp, a younger kid in the summer camp inspired him to return to school. He’s pursuing education to support work in the mental health community. He’s been a peer counselor and an advocate, after living through these events. HisMENtalHEalth began as a result of a school project, which he’s turned into a larger platform and movement in the world.

He copes by keeping busy, meditating and staying positive about everything. “The glass half full” mentality. “It’s a mindset and a choice!”

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