
Season 2 - Episode 1 - "Ditch the Mask" Campaign in 'The Rose Garden' in Berkeley, CA with Janna

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Welcome to our introductory podcast for Season 2 of A New Dawn podcast.

We are here with, "Bipolar Mama of 3," as she ditches her mask, as my first video & podcast guest of season 2.

Please find the video version of this podcast on my YouTube Channel:

The importance of removing the social media mask she’s worn for several years was apparent during our interview. She’s still apprehensive, but yet well aware her bravery will help others. Thank you, Janna, for being the first, meeting you has been a joy. I’m hopeful for our future work together.

Vodcast of this podcast:

Watch our "Ditch the Mask," Introductory Trailer:

Season 1 - Episode 5 - "Don't Stay Stuck," popular podcast - 9/28/18


#Dontstaystuck is the theme of this podcast. Speaking to a mother with bipolar disorder, we hear first-hand what it's like suffering from this illness. #bipolardisorder is a mental health condition that faces people worldwide and 450 million people have some type of anxiety in the world. We #dialogue on our podcast towards the end goal of raising awareness of mental health, ending the stigma, discrimination and neglect in the world.

This is the most popular podcast of our current 11 released podcasts. Something about being real and raw that resonates with the public.

Podcast link