
Season 1: Episode 46 - (T. Warning) Victor's lifetime of abuse that led to a - "Class of Characters" History of DID & entities created

Victor provides us with the history of the horrific abuse he faced growing up and provides the scenario and basis for his multiple personality disorder and multiple, ‘characters,’ surfacing in his life.

I have included the order of documents to be read, as he sent them to me:

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1.       My essay entitled “IsHopeAStrategy-IDontKnowYouTellMe”-Rev1 – explains my experiences for the last 55 weeks

2.       Email to my circle of care “A quick note” – perhaps a long one too – explains my experiences, the consequences and reflections

3.       My essay entitled “IamSorry-thedoublesidedrazorblade”-Rev1 – explains my position of hearing “I am sorry”  Please understand I know it is a form of empathy, yet after the continued fight with the Ontario Canada MHA system over the last 5 years… I have heard this statement too many times.

Below I have included links to his podcast interview and published essay about living with DID, as he sent them to me.

1.       Podcast Interview:

2.       Published Essay:

Characters: “Entities during dissociation”

  1. Harris - Destructive, own email address, emails circle of care.

  2. Victor -

  3. The Poet - Manager and communicator of all personalities. Dissociative poetry author

  4. Little Victor - 1st traumatic experience

  5. Little Victor - 2nd Suicide attempt 4-10 years old

  6. (Suicide Attempts) other suicide attempts have one identity for each

  7. X - He has no idea who he is

  8. The Beast - Pure violence, animalistic and beats up self

  9. Management - No idea who this is.

    Many more, he states he has about 13 entities that present themselves at various times.

Twitter: @VictorJanzen

Podcast link

Watch on : iTunes

Season 1: Episode 45 - Doug - Canadian "THC Potent Drug" beware

Abby, another victim of THC Potent Drug from smoking daily for a short period of time. Thankfully her father intervened.

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Doug, her father, reached out to share her story as a worried dad and mental THC awareness advocate for parents. Listening to him discuss the the experience they had with hospitals to gain admittance and help for drug induced or mental health impaired individuals. If you’ve ever experienced this, it’s heart wrenching on all sides, especially with someon over age. Abby was 18 years old and this also happened to me with my son and my sister.

If you find any part of this podcast helpful or meaningful, reach out or comment. We all need to share our stories. Doug reaches out and helps kids on a regular basis. He’s spoken to me about a few and he cares deeply.

Abby was having psychotic episodes due to the THC potency. She was given anti-psychotics.

Doug can be found and is active on Twitter:


Podcast link

Abby, we are grateful you are home and well.

Season 1: Episode 58 - Elle aka "The Spider Lady"

Elle graces us with her delightful demeanor. She’s an artist in true form from her pop culture videos, to her artwork. Stay tuned, she her own podcast coming to share paranormal stories from people that have experienced them.


Here’s more information and links from her site:
She is a young artist, youtuber, and writer living with ADHD, DPRD, and depression. She cycles between three types of content:

She still creates art, but her patreon is not focused around it anymore. If you look through old posts, you'll be able to see it.

These post types are cycled from week to week. For example, week one would be a youtube video for my main channel, the next week would be asexuality & aromantic advocacy, and the third week would be a vlog.

You can also keep up to date with her on Twitter, where she’s often active.

She appreciates your support of her work.

Podcast: link

Patreon -



Medium - 

YouTube Main - 

YouTube Vlogs - 

Instagram main - 

Art Instagram - 

Season 1 - Episode 51 -Hayley T. Wheeler shares her journey of healing through her struggle to self discovery with her self & support of her son.

Hayley Wheeler - emotional empowerment coach
I work with adults and children to help them conquer their anxiety and depression. I coach people who are ready to challenge and conquer anxiety, depression or stress, to accept their super power and take back control of their life and business.
In 2015, I ended up in my pit of despair – depression. I didn’t realise at the time, looking back it was bleak time. Having got the right help and support myself and through my own understanding of anxiety and depression, I created my own coaching model which helps adults and children with their mental health struggles.

Season 2 - Episode 1 - "Ditch the Mask" Campaign in 'The Rose Garden' in Berkeley, CA with Janna

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Welcome to our introductory podcast for Season 2 of A New Dawn podcast.

We are here with, "Bipolar Mama of 3," as she ditches her mask, as my first video & podcast guest of season 2.

Please find the video version of this podcast on my YouTube Channel:

The importance of removing the social media mask she’s worn for several years was apparent during our interview. She’s still apprehensive, but yet well aware her bravery will help others. Thank you, Janna, for being the first, meeting you has been a joy. I’m hopeful for our future work together.

Vodcast of this podcast:

Watch our "Ditch the Mask," Introductory Trailer:

Season 1 - Episode 49 - Sammie shares her story of being self-sufficient at a young age and living with bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, anxiety and childhood schizophrenia.

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Episode 49 - Sammie shares her story of being self-sufficient at a young age and living with bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, anxiety and childhood schizophrenia. "My Brain Works Differently Than Yours"

She's been supportive of her autistic stepbrother and showed compassion towards her mom with her struggles. She calls herself the #blacksheep of the family.

Podcast link

Season 1 - Episode 47 - Anne Moss Rogers, TEDx Speaker, Author, Suicide Loss Survivor - "Emotionally Naked"

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Anne Moss Rogers graciously accepted our podcast invitation. She’s real and raw. You can find more about her journey with her son’s drug addiction through the podcast.

She’s an advocate and travels speaking to raise awareness of suicide and prevent other parents and family members from losing a child. She also speaks directly to children and youth. Read more, after listening by clicking on the links below:


My 6-minute TEDx

Season 1 - Episode 45 - Starr shares her poetic prose with us to express herself on her road to recovery and spiritual awakening. (Last poem recorded in person in the park.)

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Starr, an amazing soul shares her spiritual awakening through her writing. Her poems are powerful, healing and speak the truth. Listen and comment should they move you like that have done us and many others.

Shes transformed herself through the art of words. Those we think with, speak of and converse through; words are powerful!

The picture is one of her favorite poems by Hafiz and one she gave for me to share with my students.

“I wish I could show you WHEN YOU ARE LONELY or in DARKNESS the ASTONISHING LIGHT of your own being” ~ Hafiz

Comment about this episode on

She'll get your message. Thank you for listening.

If you enjoyed this, please go to iTunes and rate us.

Thank you.

* Art Piece

* Being Seen

* I Am My Own Medicine

* I Want To Be The One You Write Poems About

Podcast link

Season 1 - Episode 44 - Isaiah shares his story of being Schizoeffective and being raised by a mother who had 'undiagnosed bipolar disorder. He is a Nami Speaker

Isaiah shares his story of being Schizoeffective and being raised by a mother who had 'undiagnosed bipolar disorder.  He also has a multitude of other mental health conditions and is a Nami In Our Own Voice Speaker