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Season 1: Episode 46 - (T. Warning) Victor's lifetime of abuse that led to a - "Class of Characters" History of DID & entities created

Victor provides us with the history of the horrific abuse he faced growing up and provides the scenario and basis for his multiple personality disorder and multiple, ‘characters,’ surfacing in his life.

I have included the order of documents to be read, as he sent them to me:

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1.       My essay entitled “IsHopeAStrategy-IDontKnowYouTellMe”-Rev1 – explains my experiences for the last 55 weeks

2.       Email to my circle of care “A quick note” – perhaps a long one too – explains my experiences, the consequences and reflections

3.       My essay entitled “IamSorry-thedoublesidedrazorblade”-Rev1 – explains my position of hearing “I am sorry”  Please understand I know it is a form of empathy, yet after the continued fight with the Ontario Canada MHA system over the last 5 years… I have heard this statement too many times.

Below I have included links to his podcast interview and published essay about living with DID, as he sent them to me.

1.       Podcast Interview:

2.       Published Essay:

Characters: “Entities during dissociation”

  1. Harris - Destructive, own email address, emails circle of care.

  2. Victor -

  3. The Poet - Manager and communicator of all personalities. Dissociative poetry author

  4. Little Victor - 1st traumatic experience

  5. Little Victor - 2nd Suicide attempt 4-10 years old

  6. (Suicide Attempts) other suicide attempts have one identity for each

  7. X - He has no idea who he is

  8. The Beast - Pure violence, animalistic and beats up self

  9. Management - No idea who this is.

    Many more, he states he has about 13 entities that present themselves at various times.

Twitter: @VictorJanzen

Podcast link

Watch on : iTunes

Season 1 - Episode 51 -Hayley T. Wheeler shares her journey of healing through her struggle to self discovery with her self & support of her son.

Hayley Wheeler - emotional empowerment coach
I work with adults and children to help them conquer their anxiety and depression. I coach people who are ready to challenge and conquer anxiety, depression or stress, to accept their super power and take back control of their life and business.
In 2015, I ended up in my pit of despair – depression. I didn’t realise at the time, looking back it was bleak time. Having got the right help and support myself and through my own understanding of anxiety and depression, I created my own coaching model which helps adults and children with their mental health struggles.

Season 1 - Episode 49 - Sammie shares her story of being self-sufficient at a young age and living with bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, anxiety and childhood schizophrenia.

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Episode 49 - Sammie shares her story of being self-sufficient at a young age and living with bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, anxiety and childhood schizophrenia. "My Brain Works Differently Than Yours"

She's been supportive of her autistic stepbrother and showed compassion towards her mom with her struggles. She calls herself the #blacksheep of the family.

Podcast link

Season 1 - Episode 44 - Isaiah shares his story of being Schizoeffective and being raised by a mother who had 'undiagnosed bipolar disorder. He is a Nami Speaker

Isaiah shares his story of being Schizoeffective and being raised by a mother who had 'undiagnosed bipolar disorder.  He also has a multitude of other mental health conditions and is a Nami In Our Own Voice Speaker

Season 1 - Episode 41 - Michael Maisey shares his life's journey, why he wrote his book, " Young Offender," after a young life in the streets and out of control


Michael was lost, in the streets and out of control, due to his parents drug and alcohol abuse, as well as childhood physical and sexual abuse. But, he turned his life around and now Michael Maisey is an actor and writer, known for Sparrow's CallThe Basement and Functional. He has been married to Sacha Wright since October 26, 2018. They have two children.

He tells more of his story in his book: “My Life on the Streets, In Prison, Out of Control, Making Amends. Young Offender.” Pre order link for book on out in July 2019.
Pre order link for the book on for buyers in the USA out October 2019.



Podcast link

You don’t want to miss this episode. He’s a powerful warrior and proof that anyone can turn their life around. We’ve all been through hard times, but he faced his hopelessness, near the edge of suicide, in it’s clenches and came out the other side. He’s been a ray of sunshine through his Instagram community and other engagements. I can’t wait to get and read his book. I look forward to working with Michael in the near future.

Season 1 - Episode 38 - #Justiceforjacob - Sara discusses events that led up to her brother's unjust arrest, while suffering cardiac arrest and having a psychotic bipolar mania episode

Sara talks about her brother’s ill treatment, while having a mental illness. He was unjustly arrested while having a psychotic episode and cardiac arrest, prompted by being prescribed five different cocktails drugs for his bipolar disorder and Agoraphobia. He was denied family access, he wasn’t hospitalized or provided with therapy or proper treatment. They merely proceeded to move him into an institution further from the location and to one without mental healthcare.

The state of main, specifically this Kennebec County Jail has a wrongful death suit going right now for similar practices with people that live with mental health.

Her brother is bipolar and was in the booking area and solitary confinement, while disoriented, for more than two weeks. This happened on April 29th and he’s still locked up without therapy, medication and without the essential treatment a person under a psychotic breakdown needs.

Part 1 of 2 Episodes: link

Part 2 of 2 Episodes: link

Watch Sara’s video:

Facebook Page: Justice for Jacob Where you can interact with Sara and Coleen, Jacob’s girlfriend.


Sara Kate: 603-921-6077

Watch Coleen’s Video: (Jacob’s girlfriend)

Email the Governor of Maine to invoke change:

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Send Mail to Jacob to this address. Let’s flood the jail with mail.


Here is the mailing address to the Governor, as well as contact information for the State Representative in the area. He also serves on the legal affairs committee:

Governor Janet Mills:

Representatives to WRITE to in Maine

Representatives to WRITE to in Maine

1 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333

State Representative (for area incident occurred)

Kent Ackley
705 Route 135
Monmouth, ME 04239


Season 1 - Episode 1 - The “Why” of Our Show - 9/15/18

Dawnette Brenner shares her story as to why she began this podcast. You can read more about her on the blog page.