Season 1 - Episode 44 - Isaiah shares his story of being Schizoeffective and being raised by a mother who had 'undiagnosed bipolar disorder. He is a Nami Speaker

(Trigger warning!)

Isaiah shares his story of being Schizoeffective and being raised by a mother who had 'undiagnosed bipolar disorder.  He also has a multitude of other mental health conditions and is a Nami In Our Own Voice Speaker

Isaiah is a young man who advocates erasing the stigma of mental illness. I met him at a NAMI "In Our Own Voice," Training - he's an amazing young man and has a great story.

He is on the Autism Spectrum and lives with Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar, NVD, and ADHD. He's a gamer and active in his community, our local community. He is on FB as ParaDX

He suffered Traumatic Brain Injury and has visual and tactile challenges.

Podcast link