A New Dawn

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New Discovery about ACE - Adverse Childhood Experience

Danger Will Robinson!

A huge revelation came about through my contact with Jody B., episode 35. I learned that I’ve been exposed to a shit load of trauma in my life. It’s really a miracle that I’m alive, and that I raised four kids and am blessed with (now) four grandkids. Do you know your ACE score?

ACE - Adverse Childhood Experience is a test you can take to determine the level of trauma you’ve been exposed to. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has studied cases of childhood trauma, thoughts, memories and especially those caused through sexual abuse. This article really covers everything that contributes to the trauma under the age of 18, check out the graphic.

One thing I realize is that I’ve had major accidents, including bed-wetting until I was about 9 years old, throughout my entire life. All of these traumatic events led me to promiscuous behaviors, alcoholic-induced hazy wild nights and even a few black outs. I’m really lucky to be alive.

Sleep paralysis, sleep apnea, nightmares, anxiety, fear, depression, night terrors, are only a few things I and by extension, my kids have been exposed to and awareness is necessary to break this cycle. Ending the trauma and letting love infuse our lives is important. Heal yourself, heal your family and the world.

Implementation of mindfulness, healing and talking about things that impact kids is now a huge part of my classroom, especially due to this information, the studies and articles on the topic of adverse childhood experiences.

My hyper-vigilance has been a huge problem for me in my life, constantly living in a state of panic, stress and anxiety. My own children are constantly telling me to calm down, relax. It’s unfortunately impacted my kids, and my classroom as well. Luckily I’ve grown in my awareness, always learning, modifying lessons and life behaviors. Just knowing there’s hope and that I have all I need at my core is powerful. I love this quote introduced to me by my friend, Starr, a NAMI trainer and poet herself-

“I wish when you’re lonely and in darkness that I can show you the astonishing light of your own being.” ~HAFIZ

At A New Dawn, we hope the stories our guests share help you to, “Let your light shine” You are not alone!